
NEW! Expand Your Writing Through Metaphor – with Julie Mariouw: Zoom Workshops, Wednesdays, October 9, 16, 23, 30, November 6 & 13, 3pm – 5pm. Metaphor connects right and left brain, amplifying language and inviting creativity. In this workshop we will create Mind & Body Memory Maps, matching memories with physical sensations. Then we will create metaphors from this raw material, wedding images to something totally unexpected and creating provocative new patterns. These metaphors will energize our writing with fresh, new material. We will cluster—as described by Gabrielle Rico, PhD in “Writing the Natural Way”— to help open up our material. Then we will write with timed prompts. We will write together silently, then have the option to read our work aloud. We will comment on each other’s work using the AWA method: noting what we reacted to, and what we will take with us from the work. In this way we strengthen what the writer has done well, and encourage her/him to do more of that. As Pat Schneider, creator of the Amherst Writers & Artists method, states: “Traditional teaching of writing has too often emphasized what is wrong. If a child brings you a picture of a bird in flight, and you see that the left wing is hanging awkwardly down the page, but the right wing is soaring, you do not say, ‘By the way, that crooked left wing looks really stupid.’ You say, ‘Oh, look! Look how that right wing is lifted by the air! I can just feel it flying!’ The child looks at the picture, and what does she do? She goes immediately to her crayons and draws the left wing so it, too, soars.” At some point in the future, Julie will offer a Manuscript Workshop, in which members can focus on revision and editing. Julie Mariouw is an AWA affiliate and is certified to lead workshops in the AWA method. She leads workshops designed to help writers bypass their inner critics; go directly to images, feelings and memories; and tap into the healing power of writing. Julie has a BA in English from the University of Michigan, studied Teaching at Eastern Michigan University, and has taught in the Ann Arbor Public Schools, Sylvan Learning Center, and Maxey Boys Training School. In 2016 Julie created Wellspring Writing Workshops through which she facilitates online and in-person workshops. In 2022 Julie moved to a wetlands in Chelsea, and now offers in-person workshops using the power of nature. Julie’s writing has been published in Recovering Self, The Brick Magazine, The Huron River Review, Crazy Wisdom Journal, Natural Awakenings Magazine, and Verdad Magazine. 6 – 8 people. (*Closed captioning option available.)

If you are not a Springfed Arts member, you may become one by clicking here in addition to signing up for the class of your choice.  For one year from the time you joined, you will take classes at the member rate.  You may also register by phone at 248-224-9338.