
The Springfed Arts Backyard Bash
Saturday, September 14, 2024, 6pm-9pm

Beatles package:
5 tickets waiting at the door (your name plus 4, unless otherwise noted), 5 raffle tickets filled out and entered in your name. Your contribution is tax-deductible less $35 per attendee.

Join us for a fun night supporting Springfed Arts and celebrating
30 years of Lambs Retreat for Songwriters. We will serve food and wine from Holiday Market Catering, beer from Lily’s Seafood. Entertainment provided by The Morton Brothers. The event is hosted by John D. Lamb, Executive Director of Springfed Arts. You can win raffle prizes and bid on silent auction items. It’s our only fundraiser of the year and we depend on a portion of the proceeds for help with our operating costs.

Your Generous Contribution:
Supports the Writers Scholarship Fund.
Underwrites creative writing workshops/readings.
Sponsors visits by songwriters/authors/poets.

Beatles Pkg $1000 – 5 bash tix + 5 raffle tix
Dylan Pkg $500 – 3 bash tix + 3 raffle tix
Joni Pk $300 – 2 bash tix + 2 raffle tix
Backyard Bash Ticket – $75 each
Raffle Tickets – $10 each

Your tickets are on the guest list at the gate.

Would you like to donate something for the auction?
Contact Executive Director John D. Lamb at (248) 224-9338

The Backyard Bash will be held at:
Springfed Arts Headquarters
627 Lloyd Avenue
Royal Oak, MI 48073

Springfed Arts is a Non-Profit
501 (c) (3) Organization.
Your contribution is
tax-deductible less
$35 per attendee.

Tickets available online or by phone at 248-224-9338