Membership Information
Your support helps us to continue our many programs. This includes the Springfed Arts retreats/classes for writers, poets and songwriters, and writer/songwriter showcases throughout Michigan.
Become a member of Springfed Arts and receive:
- $50 off writing classes
- $75 off Lamb’s Retreat for Songwriters
- $75 off Literary Writers Retreat
- Free entry in Springfed Writing Contest
Basic membership $50
Supporting Membership $300 – $900
All of the above and $100 towards any Springfed writers’ retreat tuition
Benefactor Membership $1000+
All of the above plus $150 towards any Springfed writers’ retreat.
All members may enter our Springfed Arts Writing Contest with no fee.
All dollars to Springfed Arts are tax deductible.
Please join up or renew now. Join Springfed Arts online
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