Springfed offers classes in poetry, prose, fiction, young adult fiction, creative writing and memoir. *Closed captioning option is available for Zoom workshops. Scroll down to view all of the classes.
Registration online here. Basic Membership here.
Winter 2025 Workshops
NEW! Mining Your Obsessions – Poetry with Natalie Tomlin: Zoom Workshops, Wednesdays, February 12, 19, 26, March 5, 12 & 19, 7pm-9pm. Discover the gold in your subconscious. Join a friendly and supportive group to explore what most preoccupies our minds and imaginations. Each session will include a fun generative exercise and time to share your work.
Natalie Tomlin‘s poetry and nonfiction about the Midwest and the natural world has appeared in many magazines, including Belt, Dunes Review, The Hopper, J Journal, Prose Poetry, Split Rock Review. Her chapbook of prose poems The Sound a Car Door Makes was published in 2023 by Michigan Cooperative Press and her work has been nominated for Best of Net, the Pushcart Prize, and was selected as notable in The Best American Essays. She has a passion for writing criticism and interviewing writers, and such work can be found at Diode, Grist: A Journal of the Literary Arts, New Pages, and Literary Mama. A former waitress, high school teacher, and college adjunct, she has taught writing at DePaul University and Eastern Michigan University. She is obsessed with sand after growing up on Lake Huron and now lives in Grand Rapids, Michigan with her family. (*Closed captioning option available.) REGISTRATION CLOSED
Expand Your Writing Through Metaphor – with Julie Mariouw. Zoom Workshops, Thursdays, Feb 13, 20, 27, Mar 6, 13, 20, 6:30 – 8:30pm. Join this safe and supportive group as we write together from prompts and share our work aloud. We will focus on metaphor, using it as a vehicle to expand and enrich our writing. Julie Mariouw is an Amherst Writers & Artists affiliate and is certified to lead workshops in the AWA method. Julie’s writing has been published in Wilderness House Literary Review, Teach Write Journal, The Brick Magazine, Recovering the Self Journal, Crazy Wisdom Journal, Natural Awakenings Magazine, The Huron River Review, and Verdad Magazine. Julie lives on the edge of the wetlands in Chelsea, MI, where she leads writing workshops focused on the healing power of writing and nature. Check out Julie’s website to find out more about her: https://www.wellspringwritingworkshops.com REGISTRATION CLOSED
Prose with Maureen Dunphy: Maureen is on a sabbatical. Her Great Lakes Island Escapes: Ferries and Bridges to Adventure is a 2017 Michigan Notable Book (Wayne State University Press). Her juvenile nonfiction book is All About the Great Lakes (Blue River Press, 2020). She has also been published in Peninsula: Essays and Memoirs from Michigan (Michigan State University Press, 2000) and in Between the Lines: Writing What You Couldn’t Say (Plain View Press, 2000). Dunphy earned her MFA in fiction writing from Goddard College and has taught creative writing courses at Oakland University, Oakland Community College-Orchard Ridge, and the University of Windsor. Through Dunphy Consulting Services, LLC, she can help you translate your writing dreams into achievable goals, and offers coaching services, writing workshops and retreats, and assistance with manuscripts, book proposals, and the querying process. Write your way into your future! Limited to 6 participants with instructor’s permission. (*Closed captioning option available.)

Kelly Fordon
Poetry Workshop with Kelly Fordon: Kelly is on a sabbatical. Kelly Fordon’s latest short story collection I Have the Answer (Wayne State University Press, 2020) was chosen as a Midwest Book Award Finalist and an Eric Hoffer Finalist. Her 2016 Michigan Notable Book, Garden for the Blind, (WSUP), was an INDIEFAB Finalist, a Midwest Book Award Finalist, Eric Hoffer Finalist, and an IPPY Awards Bronze Medalist. Her first full-length poetry collection, Goodbye Toothless House, (Kattywompus Press, 2019) was an Eyelands International Prize Finalist and an Eric Hoffer Finalist and was adapted into a play, written by Robin Martin, which was published in The Kenyon Review Online. She is the author of three award-winning poetry chapbooks and has received a Best of the Net Award and Pushcart Prize nominations in three different genres. She teaches at Springfed Arts and The InsideOut Literary Arts Project in Detroit, as well as online, where she also runs a monthly poetry and fiction blog. www.kellyfordon.com (*Closed captioning option available

Carolyn Walker
ONLINE COURSE! Personal Essay and Memoir (online class) with Carolyn Walker. *REGISTER ANYTIME. Six consultations during the 3 months after you register. Send in up to 10 pages of work for in-depth review. Writing prompts given upon request, as well as recommendations of books, memoirs, and essays to learn from. Phone consultations can be arranged. Carolyn Walker has been awarded the 2013 Kresge Arts Fellowship in Literary Arts. She has an MFA from Vermont College of Fine Arts. She has been published in The Southern Review, Crazyhorse, The Writer’s Chronicle, among others. One of Walker’s essays has been nominated for the Pushcart Prize. Walker won 1st place in Springfed Arts 2010 fiction contest. She spent a month in 2014 as a writing resident at the Vermont Studio Center, and another month in 2016 as a writing resident on Martha’s Vineyard. Her memoir Every Least Sparrow(available through Amazon and Barnes & Noble) came out in January of 2017. (*Closed captioning option available.) $150 for members. $200 for nonmembers (join as a member for one year). REGISTER HERE
Registration online here or with form below.
Basic Membership online here.
Please fill out the form below and send to:
John D. Lamb, Director-Springfed Arts,
627 Lloyd Ave, Royal Oak, MI 48073
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